2nd Hearing for the Windfall Elimination Provision

Written on 04/12/2024
PANO Staff

Dear NAPO Members,

The U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security is holding a second hearing on the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) on April 16. The hearing will focus on the policy of repealing the two provisions, how the repeal will impact the Social Security Trust Fund, and the best way to address the inequity of the GPO and WEP.

Many of you and your members submitted statements for the record for the field hearing back in November – thank you!  We are asking you to please resubmit your previous statement for the record again to drive the point home that the GPO and WEP are detrimental to the retirement security of millions of public sector retirees.  If you did not previously submit a letter or a written statement, please consider doing so for this hearing. The Committee needs to hear from you if you or a family member are impacted by the GPO and WEP.  The Committee is accepting comments through close of business Tuesday, April 30. Please support our efforts by submitting comments now to WMSubmission@mail.house.gov with the subject line “Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset.”  You must submit your comments as a Word document attached to the email and be sure to include a list of all persons and/or organizations who are submitting the comments in the Word document.  Your email must include your name, organization (if applicable), address, and telephone number.  Please copy NAPO’s Governmental Affairs Director, Andy Edmiston, at aedmiston@napo.org when submitting your comments.

NAPO will be including all previously submitted comments in our written testimony for the hearing on the 16th.

After this hearing, the next step is for the Committee to markup H.R. 82 and every story we can share matters and will help our efforts. 

Thank you in advance for your help!