Updates Coming Soon to the PANO1544 App!

Written on 06/25/2024
Derek Canatella

New updates will be coming to the PANO1544 web app to better serve our members and the officers of the New Orleans Police Department. We value your input and strive to provide the best services available to provide the information you need and make your job easier. 

The Quick Note section will receive a significant update. All of your new notes will now be date stamped so it’s easier to know when you saved it. The overall formatting and theme will match the rest of the PANO app with an easy-to-see dark theme canvas. It will also display the total number of your existing notes. Furthermore, you can now copy all of your notes from Quick Note to your device’s clipboard. This should make it easier to save your notes to an external app or location for long-term storage. If you currently have any existing notes in the app, please back them up before the update which should occur in the next week or so.

The app's home page will also show the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) news articles. All PANO members are also members of NAPO which fights for officer rights and issues on the national level, especially in Congress. This will help keep our members updated on NAPO’s efforts.

A couple of new sections will be added. The first section will provide information for officers regarding the Louisiana Law Enforcement Officer’s license plate. This license plate collects $25 annually to support the Louisiana Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial. The other section will provide information on those interested in applying for the Security Window Tint Exemption for personal vehicles. Both of these will be listed under the PANO submenu.

Some minor improvements and changes will be made to some of the menu icons, app layouts, and other parts of the app to help keep it up to date.

We hope these improvements make it easier and more user-friendly for you to use in your daily workflow. As always, we will continue to improve our app and welcome your feedback and suggestions.