Radio (10) Codes

10–1 Receiving Poorly
10–2 Receiving Well
10–3 Stop Transmitting
10–4 Message Received
10–5 Call Your Home
10–7 Out of Service (Completely)
10–8 In Service
10–9 Repeat
10–10 Out of Service Temporarily, but Available
10–11 Dispatching too Rapidly
10–12 Officials or Visitors Present
10–14 Your Destination
10–15 Prisoner in Custody
10–15M Prisoner in Custody (Mental)
10–16 Pick Up Prisoner (Male)
10–16F Pick Up Prisoner (Female)
10–16J Pick Up Prisoner (Juvenile)
10–16M Pick Up Prisoner (Mental)
10–18 Return for Additional Information
10–19 Return to Station
10–20 What is Your Location
10–21 Call Your Station
10–22 Cancel Last Assignment
10–23 Stand-by
10–27 Wanted (Check)
10–28 Request Emergency Clearance
10–28P Pursuit
10–29 Confidential Information
10–30 Correct Time
10–31 Checking Clear
10–33 Does Not Conform With Rules and Regulations
10–34 Unit and Officers Left City
10–35 Unit and Officers Returned to City
10–40 Lunch Break
10–41 Coffee Break
10–42 Restroom Facilities
10–50 Not Available for Assignment - Reasons Unknown
10–55 Officer Needs Assistance
10–61A Known to Have Been Armed
10–61D Dangerous. Exhibits Harmful or Violent Actions
10–61M Violent Mental
10–61R Known to Resist an Officer
10–61W Subject Wanted
10–97 Arrived at Scene
10–98 Completed Last Assignment
10–99 Change Channels