Tutorial: Search

Written on 07/06/2023
Derek Canatella

The search function is a very useful tool if you need to find something quickly, especially if the keyword you're searching for exists in multiple parts of the app. Searches are broken into three (3) categories: Articles, Map, and Calendar. The search will include both the title and the body of the text. You may have to scroll down to find the exact location of the word though in the body of the text. Please keep in mind that the search function does not search any outside websites that are embedded into the app.

Articles contain most of the information inside of the app. News updates, legal codes, and phone directories are usually searched under Articles. This will probably be the most useful part of the search function, since the app contains a lot of information that overlaps in different sections, especially the legal codes. The example shown in the screenshots above, the word Burglary exists in the following sections shown in the list.

Map searches will find locations with that keyword such as Academy in the example.

Calendar searches also function similarly by searching keywords in the Event's title and description. 

The search function also saves the history of your searches so you can easily find the word in the history list when you start typing any keywords again.