State Traffic - Quick Reference

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  Printable PANO State Traffic Reference Sheet

  Driver's License
32:52 Driver must be licensed; vehicle owner cannot allow unlicensed driver
32:402 Driver must have appropriate class license. Possession of 2 driver's licenses prohibited
32:404 New residents must obtain DL within 90 days
32:406 Change of address (in-state) within 10 days
32:408C1 Motorcycle endorsement required
32:410.2 International driver's license
32:411.1 Driver's license not on person
32:412G Expired driver's license
32:414.1 Unlawful use of driver's license (fictitious, altered, etc.)
32:415 Suspended driver's license
32:416 Unlawful operation of a vehicle by a minor; Parents responsible
32:416.1 Minors driving during curfew hours (11pm - 5am)
32:417 Allowing unlicensed minor to drive; Parents responsible
32:729 Vehicle must be titled
32:730 Fraudulent title
47:477 Semi-trailers to bear stenciled serial numbers
47:478 Semi-trucks to bear name of owner/lessee
47:501 Registration required
47:506 No registration in vehicle
47:521 Proper display of temporary license plates
47:536 Unlawful use of registration or license plate
  License Plates
32:51 License plate required
32:53 Proper display of license plate; obscured license plate
32:304 License plate to be illuminated (white light)
32:333 Neon lights or lights that obscure plate visibility
47:508 Expired license plate
47:536 Displaying invalid, switched, revoked, or cancelled license plate
32:863.1 Proof of insurance required
32:864 False declaration of insurance
32:865 No insurance on operating vehicle
32:865.1 No insurance on operating school bus
  Inspection Stickers
14:72.6 Forged vehicle inspection sticker
32:53D Vehicle inspection sticker required
32:1301 Vehicle in unsafe condition
32:1303 Owners/drivers to comply with vehicle inspection laws
32:1304E Expired inspection sticker (must be over 30 days); Exceptions
  Seat Belts / Child Safety
32:284C No children under 12 to ride in bed of pickup truck
32:284D No passengers to ride in bed of pickup truck on interstate highways
32:295 Child passenger restraint (car seats) requirements
32:295.1 Seat belt use required
32:295.3 Unattended child in vehicle prohibited
  Opening Car Doors
32:283A Improper opening of vehicle doors in traffic
32:283B Leaving vehicle door open longer than necessary
  Speeding / Impeding
32:64A Speeding
32:64B Impeding traffic
32:64C Rolling roadblocks (interstate highways)
32:65 Drag racing
32:285 Coasting prohibited
  Traffic Signals / Signs
32:123B Stop signs
32:123D Yield signs
32:232 Traffic signals (red light, arrow, etc.)
32:232.1 Inoperative traffic lights (reverts to all-way stop); flashing red/yellow
32:234 Flashing signals (red, yellow)
32:101A Proper turning method
32:101C Crossing private lots/driveway to turn prohibited
32:102 U-turn on curve or crest prohibited
32:104 Turn signal use required
32:104C No sudden stops/speed decreases prior to turn
32:73 Proper passing on the left
32:76 Limitations on passing on the left (curve
32:76.1 Passing bicycles (more than 3 feet)
32:125B Passing parked emergency vehicle (move over/slow)
32:77B No passing zones
32:77.1 No passing in school zones (2-lane hwy or street)
32:80 Passing school bus prohibited (lights activated, children embarking or disembarking)
  Parking, Standing, Stopping
32:141A Parked/stopped in roadway prohibited
32:143 Parked/stopped prohibited - sidewalks, intersections, crosswalk, fire hydrants, etc.
32:134.1 Blocking private driveways prohibited
32:144 Proper parking requirements
32:145 Unattended motor vehicle
32:103 Entering traffic from parked/stopped vehicle
32:121 Left driver yields to right driver at intersection
32:123D Yield signs
32:124 Entering highway from private road/driveway (stop at sidewalk; yield to pedestrians/vehicles)
32:281A Backing must be done safely
32:281B Backing on shoulders prohibited
  Following too Close
32:81 Following too closely
32:286 Following an emergency vehicle
  Lane Usage
32:71 Driver's to use right side of roadway
32:71B1b Driving in left lane slower than right lane (multi-lane hwy)
32:78 One-way roadways and traffic circles
32:79 Improper lane usage
32:82 Vehicles to be driven on right side of divided roadways
32:83B Driving in two-way turn lanes (more than 200 ft)
32:203 Motor vehicles not to use bicycle lanes; exceptions
32:76A2 No passing on the left within 100ft of railroad crossing
32:171A Failure to stop at railroad crossings (warnings, crossing gate activated, or train approaching)
32:171B No stopping on railroad tracks
32:171C Circumventing activated crossing gate or barrier
32:171D Ignoring flashing signals (train visibly approaching)
32:173.1 School buses, commercial buses (with passengers) to stop prior to crossing tracks
32:237A1 Moving/damaging/tampering with construction barricades
32:237A1 Disregarding flagman warnings
32:237A1 Driving through construction barricades
  DWI and Alcohol
14:32.1 Vehicular homicide
14:39.1 Vehicular negligent injury
14:39.2 First degree vehicular negligent injury
14:98 Operating vehicle while intoxicated (DWI)
14:98.6 Underage operating while intoxicated
14:98.7 Unlawful refusal to submit to chemical tests
14:98.8 Operating vehicle while under suspension
14:334 Ignition interlock device offenses (defeating, circumventing, operating vehicle not equip when required, etc.)
32:300 Possession of alcoholic beverages in vehicle
32:378.2 DWI ignition interlocks
32:378.2C Driver (ignition interlock required) driving rental vehicle (not equipped)
  Reckless Driving
14:99 Reckless operation of a vehicle
14:99.2 Reckless operation of an off-road vehicle
32:58 Careless operation
32:58.1 Careless operation during flood conditions
32:65 Drag racing
  Hit and Run
14:100 Hit and run
  Accidents / Crashes
32:398A Mandatory reporting of accidents; exceptions
32:398B Mandatory information exchange
  Foreign Drivers
32:393.2 Diplomatic immunities and privileges; notification requirements (also see U.S. Title 22, Ch 6)
32:393.2 International driver's license
  Smoking and Vaping
32:300.4 Smoking in vehicle when child present prohibited
32:300.4.1 Smoking or vaping marijuana while driving prohibited
  Vehicle Equipment
32:53 Vehicle equipment required (in good working order; must be safe to drive)
32:303 Headlamps required
32:304 Tail lamps required
32:306 Stop lamps and turn signals required
32:307 Additional equipment required (buses, trucks, semi-trailers, etc.)
32:317 Spotlights (specific vehicles authorized)
32:320 Backup lights required
32:320.1 Hazard lights required
32:327 Emergency flashing lights prohibited
32:334 Installation of certain lamps prohibited
32:341 Brake equipment required
32:343 Brakes to be in good condition
32:351 Horns required; Only to be used for safety
32:351B Sirens, whistles, or bells prohibited
32:352 Muffler required; No excessive noise; No excessive fumes
32:353 Loud exhaust modifications prohibited
32:354 Mirror requirements
32:355 Passenger-for-hire vehicles to have fire extinguisher
32:356 Windshield wipers required; good working order
32:357 Windshields required
32:364 Fender requirements
32:361.1 Window tint requirements
  Headlights and Tail Lights
32:301 Headlamps to be lighted (night, poor visibility, rain, tunnel)
32:319 Signal and stop lamps (red or amber color)
32:322 Brights usage (must dim on approaching vehicle)
32:323 Headlamps to be properly aligned
  Cell Phones
32:289 Cell phone use prohibited while operating school bus
32:289.1 New drivers (less than 1 year) prohibited from using cell phone
32:300.5 Texting/social media use prohibited
32:300.6 Cell phone use prohibited by learner's permit driver; hands-free exception
32:300.7 Cell phone use by minors prohibited
32:300.8 Cell phone use in school zones prohibited
  School Zones / Buses
32:77.1 No passing in school zones (2-lane highway or street)
32:80 Passing school bus prohibited (lights activated, children embarking or disembarking)
32:293 School bus transporting (children must be seated)
32:308 Additional equipment required for buses, trucks, semi-trailers, etc.
32:309 Clearance lamps (required colors)
32:310 Reflectors, clearance lamps, side markers (mounting locations)
32:311 Visibility of reflectors, clearance lamps, and marker lamps
32:312 Obstructed lights not required
32:313 Lamp or flag on projected load
32:383A1 Loads on vehicles not to leak, sift, drop, etc.
32:383A2 Loads to be covered
32:383B1 Loads to properly secured
 Tow Trucks
32:366 Tow truck equipment required (shovel, fire extinguisher, brooms)
32:190 Safety helmets required
32:190.1 Eye protective gear or windshield required
32:191 Proper riding on motorcycles
32:191.1 Motorcycles on laned roadways (no more than 2 abreast)
32:191.2 Clinging to vehicles prohibited
32:191.3 Footrests and handlebar requirements
32:408C1 Motorcycle endorsement required
32:76.1 Passing bicycles (3 feet or more)
32:194 Bicyclists to obey traffic laws
32:195 Riding bicycles requirements (no more than designed to carry; at least one hand operating)
32:196 Clinging to vehicles prohibited
32:197 Riding on roadways (no more than 2 abreast; proper turning; may ride on shoulder)
32:198 Motorized bicyclists must 15 years or older
32:199 Under 12 years old must wear helmet
32:200 Motor scooter - under 18 must wear helmet
32:201 Harassing bicyclists prohibited
32:203 Motor vehicles not to use bicycle lanes; exceptions
32:204 Electric bicycle requirements; under age 12 may not operate
32:212A Drivers to yield to pedestrians in crosswalk
32:212B Pedestrians not to run in front of moving vehicle
32:212C Drivers not to pass other vehicle stopped for pedestrians
32:213 Pedestrians to use crosswalks (jaywalking)
32:214 Drivers to exercise due care for pedestrians
32:215 Pedestrians to use right-half of crosswalks
32:216A Walking in roadway when sidewalk available prohibited
32:216B Pedestrians to walk on left (facing traffic) if sidewalk not available
32:216C Unlawful for pedestrian to cross interstate highway
32:218 Pedestrians not to solicit rides/business (hitchhiking)
32:219 Pedestrians have right-of-way on sidewalks
32:233 Pedestrians to obey Walk/Don't Walk signals
  Animal Riding / Drawn Vehicles
32:22 Animal rider / drawn vehicle obedience to traffic laws
32:316 White lamp visible front; 2 red lamps visible rear (drawn vehicle)
  Autonomous Vehicles
32:400.4 Remote driver to obey traffic laws; may be cited
32:400.5 Mandatory reporting of accidents
32:400.6 Remote driver to be licensed; vehicle to remain on accident scene
  Personal Delivery Devices
32:210.1 Not considered a vehicle
32:210.2 Business considered operator; exceptions
32:210.3 Device operation; not to obstruct traffic/pedestrians
32:210.5 Device equipment required (brakes, lights, etc.)
32:210.6 Officers may enforce applicable laws
30:2531A Intentional littering
30:2531B Simple littering
30:2531.1 Gross littering (appliances, etc.)
30:2531.3 Commercial littering (industrial, mining, etc)
  Hazardous Materials
32:1503D Hazardous materials placard required
32:1509 Shipping documents required
32:1511 Illegal discharge of hazardous materials
32:1518 Reckless handling of hazardous materials
32:1520 Careless handling of hazardous materials
32:24 Emergency vehicle exceptions
32:287 Crossing fire hoses
32:292 Discharge firearms on public roads prohibited
32:295.2 Wearing headphones (both ears) prohibited
32:363 Fuel tank caps (no wood, rags, combustible materials)
32:378.1 Display of obscene words, images, etc.
32:378.3 Exterior sound amplification systems prohibited
  Handicap Parking
40:1742 Parking in handicap space restricted
47:463.4 Use of handicap plate/hang tag restricted